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Waltraud M. Bluml

Waltraud M. Blüml (Sieran), nicknamed Trudi, was born in Braunschweig, Germany, and studied in the U. S. as well as Europe.

Her paintings have been recognized by major art societies in the Northeast.   Her recent one-woman exhibit in New Hampshire offered her the opportunity to teach classes at Keene State College. 


Studies and guidance with Robert Brackman and Henry Gasser inspired her to work hard as an artist. She further honed her painting skills at the New York Art Students League in NYC.  Her talents were fostered at Fairleigh Dickinson University where she received a B. A. degree, and continued to improve proficiency, working with Master Artists in classes and workshops such as Arts Pro Tem, Hudson Art School, Sharon Art Center, and Southern Vermont Art Center.


Pursuing additional development, she met and worked with more Master Artists who advised her to refine the skills more with every painting. They are listed below:   Susan Apgar Smith, PSA, Robert K. Carston, PSA, Larry Charles, Robert Collier, Sean Dye, Dale Emmart, Peter Granucci, Susan Hambleton, Nancy Howell, Richard McKinley, PSA, Sieglinde Pfaller Shattuck, Craig Stockwell, Urania Christy Tarbet, PSA, and Tony Van Hasselt, AWS.

She works in the following mediums:  Acrylic, Oil, Oil Pastel, Soft Pastel and Watercolor. As a multi-media artist, her works are created both in her studio, at plein-aire locations.  She also dabbles in genre Trompe LOeil (to fool the eye).


Her paintings can be found in private collections in the U.S.A., Canada, Asia and Europe.


Articles have appeared in diverse periodicals and newspapers.  Her works have appeared on numerous PBS Programs, WGBY’S Artist Circle, and she has been interviewed on various radio stations.


The Pastel Society of America, NY awarded her a scholarship at the Southern Vermont Society with Robert Carsten for her pastel work

Memberships past and present are with Art Association throughout the USA: Kent Art Assoc., Kent, Connecticut Pastel Society (CT);  Pastel Painters of Maine (ME); Keene  Art Association, Pastel Society of New Hampshire:  Sharon Art Center (NH); Chester Art Guild, Miller Art Center, Saxton River Art Guild  (VT); Concord Art Association, Museum of Fine Arts of Boston, Old Deerfield Painting Group, Deerfield Valley Ar t Association, Sheffield Art League (Great Barrington) and the Springfield Art League, (MA); Allied Artist Association – Associate Member, Pastel Society of America (NY):  Women’s Caucus for the Arts its  National, NH & Boston Chapters: Pastel Painters of CANADA; see web-site PAC:

Phone or e-mail her for portraits of pets, homes, still lifes or subjects to commission in pastel.


Classes at her studio are available in drawing and painting in the aforementioned mediums.  You can make an appointment to visit her studio at (603) 239-6240 or at


Artist Statement:


Color, value, design are dynamics used to develop my paintings; which I considered important tools in creating my landscapes, still lifes, portraits of subjects such as people, homes and  animals.


Mother Nature has an unbelievable way of displaying its beauty.  Hues understated at times can also be brilliant and overpowering, depending on the time of day, or season. Moments such as these, by observing, create the sensations I attempt to encapsulate. This is why I enjoy working en plein air, or with subjects or objects at hand.  Moments and moods encountered, by the naked eye are the subjects of my work, but the use of a camera can assist in maintaining the values that are the sensation of my paintings. At times it is a very useful tool when completing works in my studio.  Emotions encountered,   as I happen upon a scene, are what I wish to share with the viewer of my paintings.


As noted before, Robert Brackman, Master Artist and teacher at the New York Art Students League, demonstrated and instilled the use colors and their relationship to objects, subjects and people.


Over the years, further discovery how natural light changes the color and value of the landscape, has empowered the interrelation I have with my blank canvas.  Robert Brackman as an instructor was a positive influence, since he fostered a great desire for me to return to painting years after a long absence from this love.


Further encouragement came from additional Master Artists, who have also added to the development of my art over the years.  My confidant and spouse supported my return to the art scene when we moved to New England.


I continue striving to improve my skills, thus enabling the viewing audience to be inspired by the beauty of Mother Nature as I convey it in my future works.

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